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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Do You Really Understand Your Health Report?

Just recently completed the second annual health check, sponsored by my cheapskate company who provided basic tests but not the optional ones which are considered important in such times like cancer tests. Cancer is one of the leading cause of death worldwide just after cardiovascular diseases. Why not sponsored? Expensive ma, talk about social corporate responsibility hmmph.

Anyway intriguing it might have been that many who took the check doesn't even know what the figures in the report mean. They just see like window shopping, no critical highlights is like no sales and that's it, they are healthy. How can that happen? Because FOC le, people take it for granted. Some don't know but never bothered; too technical la doc only knows & some even say I still young ma. People give all sort of excuses, perhaps that makes us Human. 

Health has to be monitored continuously, comparing year after year & observe your health trend. Using trend is a simple and easy way to determine whether your health has been improving or vice versa. When you see no highlights but if your health is degrading slowly but not to an alarming figure yet is your definition "I am still healthy" rather than "I am starting to rot". Get my point now?

So, it's time to take charge of yourself (with some basic knowledge). Don't fully depend on doc, later like MJ's doc, cause you to die instead. I am taking my BP Healthcare Group report as an example not to hao lian (boast), maybe a bit la. Well BP has the largest medical chain of diagnostic centres in Southeast Asia, thus serving most of the people here so most of the reports should be theirs.

Private and Confidential wor, this term is commonly used everywhere. I remembered asking Pacific Fund for major unit holders and got the same answer and was pissed. If everything is PnC then how to share with people?

Lipid Profile - test on fats & oils in our body
  • HDL a.k.a the good cholesterol that prevents blockage of blood vessels.
  • LDL & Triglycerides a.k.a the bad lipids that clog our blood vessels by forming plagues which can lead to atherosclerosis causing heart attacks or stroke.
  • Total Cholesterol is the sum of all the bad cholesterol.
  • Total Chol/HDL-Chol defines the risk of developing ahterosclerosis diseases.   
  • To control cholesterol have a healthy low fat diet, avoid too much meat and taking dietary supplements like omega 3 fish oils. Easiest way, cardiovascular exercise!

    Blood Glucose - test on diabetic levels
    • At >=7.0 level, you are in diabetic state. 
    • At >=5.6 level, you are on the way to become a sweet candy. At this stage you should be really taking care of what you are eating.
    • Being sweet to girls is OK but if your body is, you are at risk of developing the below problems:

    Haematology Examination - test on blood cells
    • The first three; total RMC, Hb and PCV tells us the quantity of red blood cells in our body.
    • MCV tells us the size of our red blood cells.
    • MCH & MCHC tells us the colour in measurement of our red blood cells.
    • RDW is the speed in which we produce new red blood cells.
    • Total WBC is our white blood cells a.k.a defence cells that can be subdivided into 5 different warriors & each of them has to be at a certain expected percentage range.
    • Platelets help in blood clot when you have a wound. Not enough then you will never stop bleeding.
    • ESR or erythrocyte sedimentation rate, a test that indirectly measures how much inflammation is in the body. Monitor inflammatory diseases like arthritis or even cancerous diseases.
    • Rh is one causes of hemolytic disease of newborn a.k.a HDN. Disease range from mild to severe, very long topic I'll skip it. If anti-D is positive then it's Good.

    Renal Function - test on the efficiency of kidneys
    • The first three are electrolytes or salts circulating in our blood (sodium, potassium, chloride). Don't be too salty, want to end up as a chip?
    • The next three are toxins eliminated by the kidneys. A high urea/creatinine level suggests the kidneys are not functioning to it's capacity. Mine on the other side are having to overwork Ops!
    • A high uric acid shows too much protein intake from food such as seafood, eggs and beans. High uric acid is a condition known as hyperuricaemia which can cause gout or uric acid urinary stones.

    Liver Function - test on protein production & toxin deactivation
    • Albumin a serum protein that carry hormones in our blood. A good measure to assess someone's nutritional status as well.
    • Globulin the serum protein that makes our antibodies. Both are deep topics so I'll skip details. Just have a good protein level in the liver.
    • A high amount of Bilirubin can cause jaundice a.k.a yellow discoloration of the skin. A good amount is needed for cellular antioxidant.
    • The below four are liver enzymes, high levels suggest liver cellular damage has occurred. These tests are sensitive indicators of liver damage or injury caused by chronic liver diseases, inflammation and etc. These tests are not testing function but rather as a screening.

    Cancer Tests - examine markers as an early detection mechanism
    • CA12-5: widely used tumor marker for women to detect cancers of the reproductive system which are uterus, fallopian tubes & ovaries.
    • CA15-3: breast cancer (female only). Man-boobs how ah? I dunno LOL ask doc.
    • Protastic Specific Antigen to check for prostate cancer or enlargement.
    • Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) to examine liver and testicular cancers.
    • Carcino Embryonic Antigen (CEA) a marker to check for colorectal cancer or digestive tract cancers. If you have regular constipation or diarrahea better to check this.
    • CA19-9: for grastric, pancreatic or stomach cancer. Check if you always have gastric, abdominal pains or gas.

    Other Tests - optional but still important regardless of age
    • Hepatitis B an infectious disease caused by a virus that can damage liver > cancer and you become a carrier of the disease as well. Thanks to my hao peng you advice, I got my vaccination in 2009 and now immune. HBsAg Non-Reactive and Anti-HBs over >100 means you are immune.
    • Free T4 a measure of thyroid hormone which controls metabolic rate.
    • Calcium & Phosphorus, electrolytes needed for bone density health.
    • VDRL & HIV a sexually transmitted disease which should be Non-Reactive.
    • Rheaumatoid Factor measures the risk of developing arthritis a.k.a joint pain. Having glucosamine supplements help in lowering this factor.
    • Urine FEME: pH should be near neutral level of 7, negative for protein, glucose, ketone and blood. Colour either straw or yellow. Transparancy should be clear. RBC and Bacterias should be Nil as well. 
    • This is a routine urine screening test which is helpful to uncover any underlying problems developing within your body. Urine FEME stands for urine full examination & microscopy examination. 

    Final words...
    Looking at your report and understanding your report is totally two separate entities. People are driven by urgency and importance. Urgency is normally externally administrated like your boss, work & deadlines but health is important. Don't you agree? 

    Stop putting too much focus on urgent things and allocate some time into important items such as health and retirement or finances. When these important items turn to urgency it is usually too late for you to turn things around unless you start it young or early. By then you only have yourself to blame and of course no more excuses.

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