What awfully saddens me is how the mainstream media spin the entire event as the rakyat's disobedience and fault. A humongous amount of valuable pictures are shown online be it Facebook, Twitter or blogs has clearly shown how we as Malaysians regardless of race, religion or background can come together for a common cause for a peaceful sit down rally event. Where is the media report on that? Speaking of violence, why the need to fire rounds after rounds of tear gas if just a handful of protesters were too emotional or rowdy. Can't you just arrest them on the spot?? The extent of the crackdown was terribly shocking and unnecessary. Chemical laced water cannons and tear gas laid waste on unsuspecting Rakyats. You were shooting at kids too!! The police under no circumstances (not even self defense) have the right to BEAT people up. People of all races helped each other, passing out salt, water, carrying those whom were injured to one side. I've never seen Malaysian so united before in my lifetime. And on 428, Malaysians put aside any differences not because of "1 Malaysia" but because all we want is just a FREE and FAIR election.
There were 85 locations around the world holding Bersih 3 rallies. Only one was marred with violence and the only one with a major police presence. Coincidence Najib? Why is it so fucking hard to let people sit down in Dataran Merdeka (Independence Square) but so fucking easy being a spinster? Can you the number of angry bird balloons out there? The people are angry and 250k + countless number who are overseas and could not turn up is enough to tell you that his kind of rally is not a MINORITY movement nor is it an ISOLATED event, it's worldwide. Wake the fuck up laaa Najib...
The global event in 35 countries last Saturday proves it. With each passing Bersih rally and with Bersih International, all I can see is that many more are now coming forward without fear. It takes time and courage but I am so damn proud of every single Malaysian out there fighting for what is simply just RIGHT to do and this is where we have progressed so much. Your passion is incredibly addictive. Malaysia cannot never afford a Malaysian Spring. The Arab nations that woke up to their oppressive governments have not attained any degree of stability. Taking it to the streets is one thing but we must also proactively take to the hearts and minds of all Malaysians. What you can do?
1. Alert all Malaysians to the fact that something terribly wrong is going on.
2. Educate all Malaysians to the reality of where we are heading as a nation.
3. Engage all Malaysians to become a part of what is right.
No propaganda is as powerful as person-to-person word of mouth. Let all Malaysians have the opportunity to learn the truth and may the truth set them free. Keep the momentum going and have Yellow Saturdays every week until all the demands for Free and Fair elections become a reality. After 428, I can truly say that I am proud to be a Malaysian.
There comes a time where one must take a position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular -- but one must take it simply because it is right
-Martin Luther King-